The altar linens regularly needed for Mass need to be washed and pressed on a regular basis. Also, the robes our servers wear need laundering and occasional repair work. If you are able to help with this important task, please consider signing up.
Both male and female servers are used at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. Servers are welcome, encouraged, and needed. Servers assist the priest in the celebration of the Eucharist. The server's presence is necessary and adds great dignity to the liturgical celebrations in our church. Young people wishing to be servers are ordinarily contacted and trained beginning in fourth grade through our religious education program.
In preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith, the Baptismal Preparation Program assists parents in understanding their role as the first of teachers of their newborn children. Through the program, we hope to invite parents to deepen their commitment to the Lord and to His Church, and to raise their children according to the law of Christ and His Church. Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of every month. Please call the Parish Office at 815-634-4171 for more information.
Our weekly bible study sessions are on Thursday mornings in the Madonna Room of Berst Hall from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. For futher information, please contact Pat Hudetz at 630-935-2103.
The Adoration Chapel, located across the street and north of the church, is open daily from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. for private prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. All are encouraged to make frequent visits to the chapel. We are in constant need of regular, committed adorers in the chapel at all times. Ideally, we want two people for every hour of the day and night. If you are interested, please call the parish office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned to assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion during celebration of the Mass. Training will be provided, and ministers are expected to function according to the guidelines set forth by the pastor. To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, an individual must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church and a registered and active parishioner of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, living a life in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (i.e., if married, he or she must be married according to the law of the Church).
Our Fellowship Committee coordinates social activities and gatherings of parishioners during the year.
The Finance Council advises the pastor on parish financial matters and is responsible for monitoring all income and expenses as well as approving the annual budget.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization. Charity is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. Knights are men of faith and men of action who volunteer countless hours of their time to charitable causes around the world and in local communities. Council 1574 has been serving the area since 1911. This council serves the parishes of Immaculate Conception in Braidwood, Assumption in Coal City, St. Lawrence in South Wilmington, Sacred Heart in Kinsman, and St. Mary's in Reddick as well as their surrounding communities.
The Knights continually strive to bring the hope of Christ's love to our area through their service and support. They live out the faith in their families, who are a crucial part of their events. Explore the benefits membership offers and keep up to date on their events by learning more about them at or on Facebook at Braidwood Knights of Columbus.
These volunteers provide care and beautification for church's grounds and surrounding properties. We are in need of many volunteers to help with this ministry. Please contact the parish office if you would like to help!
Lectors are scheduled to publicly read the scriptures at our Masses. To serve as a lector, an individual must be a Baptized and Confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered and active parishioner of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, and living a life in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (i.e., if married, he or she must be married according to the law of the Church).
Our Liturgical Music Program offers a diversity of styles and repertoire from the Church's treasury of sacred music. Under the leadership of our Music Coordinator, Rita Wise, there are a variety of opportunities to share your talents with the parish. If you are interested, she will help you discern exactly where you would best fit into our program. Presently, we need cantors, choir members, and substitute organists.
The Marthas ministry serves others as the parish’s funeral luncheon committee. With Saint Martha as their patron saint, parishioners who volunteer in this ministry have provided funeral luncheons for families of deceased church members at the parish for 25 years. Following the funeral and burial, the Marthas serve family members a meal in Berst Hall. There is something powerful about the gift of being able to give a family comfort, no matter the form, during their time of bereavement. If you would like to join the Marthas ministry and help with the preparation of a meal or assist with serving, set-up, and clean-up at these funeral luncheons, or if you would simply like to donate a food item to assist their ministry, please call the parish office.
Ministers of Care bring Holy Communion to those who wish to receive it. This is a most rewarding opportunity and a real opportunity to build a faith relationship with another person. To serve as a Minister of Care, an individual must be a Baptized and Confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered and active parishioner of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, and be living a life in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (i.e., if married, he or she must be married according to the law of the Church). Training will be provided.
Occasionally, we need help in the parish office for bulk mailings, bulletin inserts, or other tasks. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in helping.
These groups count the funds collected at Mass each week and volunteer approximately once each month.
The PADS shelter at Immaculate Conception Parish is open each Friday from October through April. It provides a place to sleep, eat dinner and breakfast, as well as a sack lunch to go. If you would like to volunteer for our Parish please contact Joanne Morrall at 815 942-8389 or Kris Werden 815 942-5338.
The Parish Council is involved in many activities and programs affecting the liturgical and spiritual life of our parish.
Our Parish Welcome Committee welcomes new parishioners to our parish community and introduces them to all that our parish has to offer. If you are interested in helping, please call the parish office.
The RCIA Program is established to help adults become full members of the Catholic Church. This program is for those who are seeking Baptism, and/or Full Communion with the Catholic Church. We are in need of parishioners to act as sponsors, which are spiritual companions to those who seek admission into our Catholic faith. Please contact the parish office.
A sacristan prepares the altar for Mass and cleans the altar following Mass.
These dinners are offered here and at other faith communities in our area throughout the year. View the current schedule on our Community Support page under the Parish Life tab. Donations to support this ministry are always needed. If you would like to inquire about helping with this ministry, please call the parish office at 815-634-4171.
Stations of the Cross are held on Friday evenings during Lent.
Greeters are our ministers of hospitality before and after our liturgical celebrations in our church. They are the first people to greet worshippers in the House of God and represent our parish Community to all who worship with us. Not only do the greeters welcome people to the liturgy, but they also pass out bulletins after Mass and help provide a more welcoming and friendly setting for people to come home to pray. Ushers have the duty of taking up the collection and attending to any needs of the congregation that arise before, during, and after the liturgy. For the most part, they help preserve good order in the Church. Training is provided. Responsible teens and adults are welcome to join these ministries. Please contact the parish office at 815-634-4171 for more information.
Part of our Christian obligation of good stewardship includes our gifts of treasure, time, and talent. A variety of opportunities exist within our parish for volunteer service. Please consider giving your time and talent in one of these many areas of service. If the loving and helping touch of Jesus is going to be felt in our midst today, it’s up to you… He’s waiting for you and inviting you to take an active part in the life of His Church.
Our church was dedicated on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 1892, and since that time, has continued to bring to faith, hope, compassion, and the love of Jesus to both parishioners and non-parishioners throughout the Coal City area. From the beginning, our parish has been blessed with many good and holy priests who served both our Lord and fellow man well.